Bamboo gathering & factory
Commercialization of Bamboo where Bamboo Uganda, International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR), and Dutch-Sina East African Bamboo Development Programme are continuously working on a strategic plan to promote Bamboo in Uganda through building a value chain; seedlings, plantations, processing & marketing, architecture & construction, carbon credit platform, and the possibilities are immense.
Investment Opportunities; Bamboo includes species that can be used for everything from fodder for livestock, and fuel to furniture and flooring, and a high demand for bamboo as a construction material.
Market availability; Bamboo has huge market potential in terms of timber substitute products, energy products, fiber products, furniture, and crafts, as well as soil and water conservation, and climate change mitigation and adaptation, where interested farmers were requested to join in the greater bamboo initiative of Uganda.
Panelists; Michael Malinga, Jennifer Mpyisi, and Andrew Kalema. Moderated by; Thomas Quirynen, Sjaak de Bloois