Specialized in exporting animal feed, concentrates and premixes all over the globe for 50 years. Wafi products are highly acclaimed, outstanding and are appreciated because…
Sed elementum, nulla eu varius fermentum, nibh tortor condimentum lacus, at volutpat neque mauris et leo. Donec at neque egestas, feugiat leo eget, ultrices orci. Pellentesque at dui quam. Nullam lorem ipsum – urna metus!
Nunc ac hendrerit Seven Media Presentation right now.
Mauris id vestibulum massa elis nisl, tincidunt eget volutpat quis, porta sit amet est. Pellen tesque solli citudin velit vel molestie dolor. Glavrida for habitant morbi tristique senectus. Thanx!
Praesent sed fermentum augue. Sed in odio et enim venenatis luctus. In egestas orci quis magna iaculis eleifend. Proin a lobortis ante, nec eleifend urna. Pellentesque a enim elementum, tempor nulla id, ultrices augue. Maecenas sit amet tincidunt elit – habitant morbi tristique senectus!
Morbi blandit venenatis erat, at maximus arcu cursus ut. Aliquam tempus laoreet dolor, sed auctor leo bibendum a. Donec ligula nisl, pretium sed neque tristique, tincidunt interdum justo. Thanx!
WOW! Proin a lobortis ante, nec eleifend urna. Pellentesque a enim elementum, tempor nulla id, ultrices augue. Donec tempus blandit malesuada. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi blandit venenatis erat, at maximus arcu! Thank you!
Praesent sed fermentum augue. Sed in odio et enim venenatis luctus. In egestas orci quis magna iaculis eleifend. Proin a lobortis ante, nec eleifend urna!
Vestibulum posuere felis vestibulum pharetra dapibus. Nam vitae sapien dapibus, condimentum ipsum non, porttitor purus. Cras et diam ac – nunc urna magna, porttitor eu laoreet aliquam, pellentesque eu velit. Suspendisse potenti!
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Specialized in exporting animal feed, concentrates and premixes all over the globe for 50 years. Wafi products are highly acclaimed, outstanding and are appreciated because…
NUTIP’s first networking event of 2025! Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting the NUTIP New Year Reception 2025, a remarkable gathering of entrepreneurs,…
Celebrating 10 Remarkable Years of NUTIP_ Kampala: A Night of Partnerships, Recognition, and CelebrationLast week, the Netherlands-Uganda Trade and Investment Platform (NUTIP) held its Annual…
Yesterday evening, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Uganda, together with NUTIP_ Kampala, organized the Day of the Entrepreneur event. We extend our…
Resilience is an international network organisation that carries out research and consultancy projects for clients in emerging markets, with a particular emphasis on improving water…
BISS Bakeries Uganda was initiated by Bake for Life Holland. Bake for Life is an in the Netherlands registered NGO with ANBI status and an CBF…