BISS Bakeries Uganda was initiated by Bake for Life Holland. Bake for Life is an in the Netherlands registered NGO with ANBI status and an CBF certificate. Bake for Life aims to create work and income for the vulnerable in Uganda through baking. “Baking the difference”. The first projects of Bake for Life, over 20 years ago, were the start of large-scale bakeries baking bread and related products that are sold to the community. These bakeries employ people with disabilities wherever possible in the baking processes. The bakeries are run in Uganda by The Little Sisters of St. Francis, who are (literally) sisters to BISS Bakeries Uganda. Besides 5 bakeries, 4 in Uganda and 1 in Kenya, The Sisters run the Bake for Life College in Tororo. The College is a commercial school that offers the opportunity for any person interested in learning baking and catering (contact BFL College). Bake for Life also trains her new staff at the college. Bake for Life Uganda is an independent legal entity in Uganda, which manages the Bake for Life Bakeries and the Bake for Life College. BISS Bakeries Uganda is also an independent legal entity in Uganda, as well as a fully registered and certified NGO.